Sunday, February 10, 2013

9 months!

My baby is nine months old now! I can't believe it. He is growing so fast! The past month he has started to army crawl. He is a little behind on the regular crawling still. And I have a couple friends who have babies that are his age and already walking! But we need to take into consideration how heavy baby Stevo is. He also got another tooth, one on the top middle so he now has a total of four! Teething hasn't been too bad. He has mostly just been drolly. This past month baby Stephen learned how to put himself to sleep for his naps. It was a major accomplishment. We were not comfortable with the cry it out method. So we took some tips from a book called the no cry nap solution and the 90 minute sleep solution (or something like that) and finally got to the point where he can sleep by himself!!

Baby Stephen is such a great baby! I love him. If you are not already following me on Instagram and vine you should so you can see many more videos and pictures of baby Stephen. I'm a little obsessed!