Thursday, July 12, 2012

One month

I feel bad I forgot to write something about the baby turning one month! So this is a catch-up post.

During baby Stephen's first month of life he had a few visitors. Stephens mom came from Utah for a week, and my mom and aunt came from Singapore for several weeks. Stephens sister and brother in law also visited with their two kids. It was so nice to have some extra help. I was not prepared for how difficult the first few weeks with the baby would be. The baby lost a lot of weight during his first few days of life so the doctor had us on a strict feeding schedule of 2 ounces every 2 hours. This meant waking up at all hours of the night and sleeping for 30 minutes at a time. It was pretty exhausting. Our lives completely changed when the baby was born. It made us really cut out the excess in our lives and just take care of our basic needs. Food, sleep, an occasional shower.

Although it was a rough first month, I have really enjoyed it. Being a mother makes you more selfless. All I want is for my baby to be happy and healthy. It made me realize how many un important things i had previously devoted my time and energy to. He is the sweetest little guy. Seeing him grow an learn is the best thing.

After his first week he started gaining weight fast. A his two week appointment he was 8.5 lbs. which was a little ahead of where he should have been. During baby's first month of life he spent most of his time sleeping, eating, and pooping. Most of these activities he did while snuggling me. Pooping and passing gas was pretty tough on his little tummy but he has improved since then.

Here are some pictures from the baby's first month of life.

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