Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sweet springtime is my time is your time is our time for springtime is love time and viva sweet love

This springtime really is love time. I feel like I have learned so much about love the past few months not only from my own relationship, but by learning of others'. Three of my friends are getting married this summer, which has provided ample opportunity for me to hear sweet stories of their love, lives, futures. It is truly a happy time. I thought I felt close Stephen months ago, but the last few weeks I have grown closer and closer to him than I could have ever imagined. I can't wait for us to start our new life together.

This springtime will be a time of union... This weekend was the first marriage springtime. My friend Marcie was married in the Salt Lake Temple to her fiance Graydon. Stephen and I went to their reception, it was so beautiful. Here I am with the lovely bride.

And a time of reunion... My best friend for years, Stephanie, threw a bridal shower for me this weekend. It was fun! Stephanie was a wonderful hostess and made a delicious breakfast for all of her guests. I am so happy I was able to see many friends that I don't see very often.

My family from the east coast will fly in for my wedding on the 30th. The wedding is drawing closer... Eleven days until I am sealed for time and all eternity to the most amazing man on the planet. I really do love him.

P.S. My cousin Garrett got engaged to his girlfriend Andrea, they will be married Aug 14th! Congratulations!


Stephanie said...

I'll send you some pictures from the bridal shower right now! It was so fun.

Marcella said...

yay! thank you so much for coming to our wedding. i am truly excited for you and stephen! i hope we can be married couple friends. good luck with the remainder of your planning! your bridals were gorgeous!