Monday, February 2, 2009


January was one of the best months EVER! Nothing amazing happened, but overall, it was a great month, and I think I know why...

One of my new years resolutions was to not watch rated "R" movies, try my hardest not to gossip and follow all of the commandments, I usually don't have a huge problem with these three things, but I felt like there was room for improvement. Because of my ability to stick to these three resolutions, for the most part, I feel like I have been blessed so much! Although school is just as stressful as ever, my job still doesn't pay well, and despite the unseasonably warm weather we've had lately, I still feel like it is freezing out side, having this goal for myself has helped me to overcome little negative things in my life and focus on what is really important.

Oh yes, did I mention Evelyn C got married January 24th? This is how happy it made me.

...and Stephen moved to Salt Lake City!

1 comment:

Evie said...

BAD picture of me :(
But You look cute :)