Monday, September 8, 2008

Moved-out Life

I'm back in Utah now after three very long months in Washington DC. I was happy to come home but unhappy to move into my new house. Not because I wasn't excited about my new roommates, the neighborhood, or the house itself. I am just sick of moving!

Ever since I moved out the summer after my senior year of high school, I have led somewhat of a nomadic lifestyle. I've lived in 6 different houses/apartments in the past two years! That means I move an average of once every 4 months.

The dorms my Freshman year.
I lived somewhere in East Millcreek for about a month before I went to Jordan in Summer 2007.
I lived here in the American Center for Oriental Research in Amman during most of Summer 2007.I lived here in Sugarhouse during my Sophomore year.

I lived here in the Consulate apartments during Summer 2008.

This is where I currently live just 4 blocks from my old house in Sugarhouse.

I am happy to be moved in. I love my new house and all of my new roommates. And I am so grateful for all the people who have helped me move in and out of my homes. And also for all the people who let me sleep on their couches while I was waiting to move in.

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