Friday, July 8, 2011

Fourth of July Fun

We had a bitter-sweet Fourth of July this year. We woke up early in the morning to finish some last minute packing then went over to my brother's in-laws for a BBQ. It was nice of them to invite us. After that I said goodbye to my family and we headed over to Stephen's brother David's house for swimming and another BBQ.

Most of Stephen's family came and a few other relatives. After dinner we lit fireworks in front of David's house. It is nice that they changed the firework law this year. We could see fireworks across the valley and it also saved David a trip to Wyoming.

Here are Olivia and Jon Jon covering their ears. during the fireworks.
Cute Penelope was scared.

She wasn't scared after she got a cupcake
The goods.
We spent some good quality time with our newest nephew Joseph.
Joseph is a little big for his age.

We ended the night by saying goodbye to all of Stephen's family. I have moved a few times before this, but not for longer than the summer so it was a lot harder saying goodbye this time.

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